Fixed Fee
Secure your Brand
Quick & Easy
Low Costs Ideal for Startups
Secure exclusive rights over your brand
Protect your brand from unauthorised use
Brand Protection
Early and proactive trade mark and brand protection is an integral part of any business’ intellectual property management program. We work with a range of small and large businesses to audit, manage and protect their local and international trade mark and brand portfolios.
The Process
Trade Mark Direct make the process of applying for a trade mark quick and easy.
Free phone consultation with one of our Trade Mark experts. There is no guesswork or trying to fill in online forms.
We will conduct a pre-application clearance search to see if your proposed trade mark is available for registration.
If your proposed trade mark is available for registration, complete the registration process and pay for your trade mark application
Expert Knowledge
With over a decade of experience, our highly skilled trade mark attorneys provide clients with expert advice in relation to all aspects of trade mark protection and brand portfolio management.
Powered by Vault Legal, an intellectual property and commercial law firm, Trade Mark Direct has extensive expertise in all areas of intellectual property management, strategy and enforcement.
Upfront Fixed prices
The cost to protect intellectual property rights can be significant. We recognise the importance of providing businesses with budget certainty and price transparency. Our prices for trade mark services are fixed – no nasty price surprises or operating by the clock.
If you want expert trade mark protection for a fixed price, contact us.
What we do
Companies invest a significant amount of time and money in developing their brands and trade marks. To ensure this investment is not wasted, Trade Mark Direct are proponents of businesses’ conducting trade mark and brand clearance searches at the early stage of a brand’s development. A trade mark and brand clearance search will assist a business to ensure its brand is available for trade mark registration and that it does not infringe the intellectual property rights of another entity.
Trade Mark Direct can assist you to maximise the value of your trade mark and brand portfolio.

Advising on trade mark selection and development
Trade mark applications and registration
Trade mark clearance searches and audits
Lodgement and registration of trade marks
Trade mark watching and monitoring
Managing trade mark portfolios
Customs seizure notices
Domain name searches and registration
Trade Mark Direct have deployed the latest technologies and embraced innovative
Contact Us
Let’s book your FREE consultation.